Middle Ridge Farm & Forest
Website: none at this time
This 125 acre forested property has been under its current ownership less than 5 years. The owners are in the process of improving the forest health for the future. In the meantime and while this transformation takes place, a number of potential products are available within this natural setting.
Wild muscadines are abundant, in season, growing wild throughout the acreage. Cedar trees are being thinned to promote native tree species including a variety of oaks, cherry and persimmon which support a variety of wildlife habitat. Clover, native grasses and wildflowers have been established to continue the opportunities for both flora and fauna diversity.
In the future an apiary will be established for the purpose of providing adequate pollinators and enjoy the honey byproduct. Additionally, a small orchard and associated berry shrubs have been started. As the owners produce more than they need for their own use, some of these products may be available for the Farmers Market!